One Minute: An Invaluable Investment
Effective leadership Vs Powerful management
Effective leadership comes from a side-by-side relationship that has more collaboration compared to a top-down one. Powerful management style comes from caring people and results.
True leader or Successful manager
Since the world is not static, the true leader should know how to adapt changes and manage the subordinates with limited resources but more efficiently and effectively.Collaborative leadership and speed are necessary in this business world to elaborate innovative brainpower as the old top-down management structure is slow and does not work to get great results. People are not willing to give time for the job to meet demands of the organization from their personal time. Those who live their life to the fullest and feel engaged a meaningful and happy one can contribute more successful results of the firm. In today’s changing world, the effective managers are the ones who can lead and manage both the people and the origination profit from their existence. Successful managers must be both results-oriented and people-oriented.
New One Minute Manager
The young man who was searching for a special manager not only in rural but also in urban setting in the corners of the world over many years. He spoke with many managers to get the full pattern of their managing styles. Tough and bottom-line managers, being interested in results, were “autocratic” while nice and participative managers interested in people were “democratic”. Neither of them wanted to change the way they managed, and they were effective partially, like being a half manager whose approaches were only beneficial towards either the people or the organization. He met with a special manager whose management principles and leadership skills encouraged people to have a balance between life and work, resulting a meaningful and enjoyable life.
New One Minute Manager is someone having new ways who gets great results without taking a lot of time. He can help people succeed with colleagues and subordinates at work as well as with family and friends at home.
Three Secrets for Success
The three secrets of the New One Minute Manager are:
One Minute Goals — small and attainable goals with the due dates that are described on a page and can be read within a minute to make sure that someone is on the right track
One Minute Praisings — giving honest feedbacks on how someone is doing something right and how good it is in a consistent way
One Minute Re-Directs — specifying exactly what was wrong and then restating that someone is more capable than the mistake
Revealing One Minute Management
First Secret
The first secret to One Minute Management is “Setting One Minute Goals”.
People working in most organizations find themselves in trouble for not doing something they thought as not their responsibilities. So, they should be sure what their accountabilities were. An effective manager should set clear goals and good performance standards for the team. He should review and analyze what their achievements and problems were so that they would come up with the plans and strategies to accomplish. Since people and successful results go hand in hand, they should take part in making decisions. To be more productive, they should feel good about themselves.
One Minute Goal Setting
A One Minute Goal Setting is the concise and brief written goals and performance standards with due dates on a single page not exceeding two paragraphs that can be read and reviewed in a minute to know exactly what the job is and not to get lost on what needs to be done. There should be copies to make everything clear and periodically check the progress.
How does this help people?
It can help them achieve their goals by being able to check periodically whether they are on the right track or not without taking much time to see their progress and performance meet with the goals. They need only 60 seconds to see what they are doing match their goals and do not need to wait for the manager. If something is not meeting with their expectations, they can adjust and succeed sooner. This helps in solving problems on their own without the help from other in the future to enjoy doing their jobs more and making the more responsive organization than ever.
The first secret was quite simple and made sense at all.
Why does one minute goal setting work?
A lot of unmotivated people at work turn to motivated ones after work. It is because of wrong assumption that people know to aim for and what is expected of them.
By setting up a series of goals, they are establishing targets that can be more easily achieved.
Second Secret
The second secret to One Minute Management is “One Minute Praisings”.
Although this may seem as uncomfortable at first, feedback is invaluable to succeed the job and help the organization. Catching people doing something right is effective as this makes them feel good and create the positivity when there is a new task or project to start.
How does this help people?
Giving the specific feedback on how they are doing great with their jobs can make them to keep up with their talents and enjoy their work to the full potential. Their performance can be improved by catching them doing something right in the beginning instead of doing something wrong and consistently praising that they deserve to become more capable winners and bring out the best. Telling precisely what they did right and how good it is in a sincere and consistent way after observing their activities takes only less than a minute but very important to build self-confidence to innovate and stay ahead.
The second secret was quite simple and made sense at all.
Why does one minute praising work?
Feedback Is the Breakfast of Champions.
These words are simple but powerful. The number one motivator of people is feedback on how they are doing.
The most important and natural thing, praising, should be a genuine and sincere one.
Third Secret
The third secret to One Minute Management is “One Minute Re-Directs”.
The common mistake that many organizations do with inexperienced people are practicing leave-alone-zap style, leaving someone alone and expecting good results from them. Instead of punishment, re-directing is needed for someone who’s still learning. This involves resetting clear One Minute Goals to make sure they understand what’s expected of them and what good performance looks like.
How does this help people?
If something is done wrong, the manager should confirm the facts and recheck together why that has been occurred. Specifically, he should let people know how he feels about their mistakes and its consequences on the organization and how well he thinks of them that they are more capable, and he has trust in them not doing the same mistake. By doing so, the employees feel that they are valued and give their full commitment to the success of the organization. Re-Direct can be given in a supportive way within a minute to help people get back on track and the organization succeed.
The third secret was quite simple and made sense at all.
Why does one minute re-directs work?
To make sure that they are not being attacked, the manager should focus only on their mistake by reaffirming that they are valued.
The old philosophy that still works is being tough on the poor performance or behavior and supportive of the person to build them up not to tear down as behavior and worth are different.
Applying One Minute Secrets for doctors to enjoy a meaningful life
A doctor having a tight schedule may find difficult to balance the life and career and have a stressful life instead of an enjoyable one. He has current patients as well as newly admitted ones, some requiring urgent or major operations.
How can he manage to spare time for himself and his family?
It is simply solved by writing the goals on a single page with due dates and reviewing these with the current performance. He can also set the goals for his patients and check against improvement of patient’s condition.
Have you ever heard of a miracle event like a critical terminally patient is being brought back to the life?
Some doctors firmly believe that half of the sufferings can be taken away by having praising and compliments to the patients for their hard work and progress. The doctor should give 60-seconds praising to a single patient by catching doing something right.
Is a 60-second praising worthy?
A patient not sticking with a doctor’s advice is a challenge to the successful treatment in these days. This is owing to norm, custom, tradition, and belief that make the patient’s condition worse in some cases.
How can a doctor manage this situation without making the patient feel that being attacked?
The doctor can use a One Minute Re-Direct secret to prevent negative emotions of the patient. First, he can confirm and recheck with the patient why the patient was against the treatment and what mistakes he did having impact on treatment plan. Then, he will tell how he felt about the patient’s mistakes expecting not to repeat these in the future and how he still has trust in him to achieve better health again. A healthy doctor-patient relationship is fundamental in restoring the health, so the doctor should focus on the mistake and then on the patient.
Applying the three One Minute secrets in our life makes a real-life difference as we will have more time to relax, spend with family and pursue other interests and less stress with our jobs.
Future me using lessons I learned from the book
The New One Minute Manager can help me in the future become a better leader by using the three secrets to adapt changes within the organization and efficiently manage the subordinates with limited resources. It shapes me not to micromanage people but let them decide on their own to build up more confidence with their choices and actions.
First, I will discuss and plan the goals with the employees to make sure what they need to do and encourage them to take a minute to review daily whether their performances match with the goals written on a single page. Then, if they are not on the right track, I will let them rethink what the obstacle is and how that can be overcome to reach the desired goal. I will not micromanage but help them make their own decisions and reach their full potential. In addition, I will give credits for their good performances in a genuine way. If something is done wrong, I will confirm the facts and recheck together why that has been occurred. Specifically, I will let them know how I feel about their mistakes and how well I think of them that they are more capable, and I have trust in them. By doing so, the employees feel that they are valued and give their full commitment to the success of the organization. I trust that true leadership skill comes from meeting the needs of the organization as well as the people.
Key Takeaways
One Minute Goals, Praisings and Re-Directs are closely related each other. Since 80% of the outcome comes 20% of the goals according to 80/20 rule, praising should be combined with effective Re-Directs after setting Goals to help people feel good about themselves and get better results. Surprisingly, this One Minute Management needs only a little time to focus on the goals as well as give feedbacks resulting in a complicated job to be more manageable.
People Vs Results
Three are three choices for a manager. First, hiring winner and spending money or hiring potential winner and taking time to develop one or praying to be one.
If good results come from people, why don’t we invest more in people?
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Blanchard, K., & Johnson, S., MD. (2015). The New One Minute Manager. HarperCollins.